Worker's Compensation
If you have suffered an injury, illness or disease because of work, you may be entitled to compensation. All employers in New South Wales are required to have compulsory Workers’ Compensation insurance for all employees in their workplace.
What kinds of workers are covered?
Full-time, part-time and casual workers are all covered by Workers’ compensation schemes. In some circumstances, subcontractors are also covered.
What can I receive compensation for?
You may be entitled to weekly payments calculated as a percentage of your current wage. You may also be entitled to claim compensation for:
- Medical, hospital and rehabilitation costs
- Return to work assistance payments
If your injuries are serious and you have been permanently impaired, you may also be entitled to a lump sum compensation payment.

Can I sue my employer for negligence?
In addition to your rights under the Workers’ compensation scheme, you may be able to sue your employer in a claim for negligence.
Whether you are entitled to such a claim depends on a number of factors, including the seriousness of your injury. This is a complex area of law so it’s important you speak to an experienced lawyer as soon as possible.
How much will it cost to make a workers’ compensation claim?
We lodge workers’ compensation claims on a No Win, No Fee* basis because we believe anyone with a claim deserves access to legal representation, no matter their financial circumstances.
This means you don’t have to pay our legal fees unless your claim is successful.
For more information on our guarantee to you, don’t hesitate to contact us for a confidential and obligation-free discussion.
Are there any time limits to Workers’ Compensation claims?
It is important that you notify your employer and the workers’ compensation authority as soon as possible so that your injury is recorded.
A claim for workers compensation should be made within six months of the date of injury, accident or death. In some circumstances where there is a reasonable cause for delay, this time limit can be extended to three years.
Are there any time limits to negligence claims?
Time limits vary depending on the circumstances, but for injuries sustained after 20/10/1999, you can make a negligence claim within 6 years of the date of injury.
It is important to seek legal advice from an experienced lawyer as soon as possible to ensure your rights and interests are protected.